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I am Nina, a dog Owner & Lover

I have spent my days and nights with different breed of dogs and my life has been an entirely different experience after adding this wonderful partner in this journey.
Dog is beautiful companion and part of our relaxing time. A very special creature that can suck out all our day-stress seamlessly and fill our body with satisfaction and a joyful energy. If You are sad, feeling low or anxious, all you need to do is to take a dog in your lap and watch him play and here your tiredness and stress go away from the back door. Believe me a dog has a magical power to spark your mood and brighten up your Mondays even 😊.
Keeping a dog at home, understanding his needs and taking care of it is a critical thing to do. It requires an equal attention and responsibility like your own kid. But, listening to his Unsaid words and Understanding his Needs by looking at his Eyes will ultimately make you fall in Love with this Amazing creature. So, give him your time and attention and earn a beautiful memory for lifetime.
Dogshiptales offers you the experience and research-based knowledge on the common eating and essential caring routine of dogs that will help you to keep your pet-partner active and healthy.
Keeping your healing buddy happy, healthy and smart.